Miles-Coverdale-Bibel  (Southwark? 1535)  Mk 1

[ Bücher Mk  ]

[ Titelseite Band 1 - ursprüngliche Version   zum Textanfang ]


The Bible/ that is, the holy Scripture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully and truly translated out of Douche and Latyn into Englishe.


S.Paul. II.Tessa.III. Praie for us, that the worde of God maie have fre passage, and be glorified. andces.

S.Paul Col.III. Let the worde of Christ dwell in you plenteously in all wyszdome andces.

Josue I. Let not the boke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth, but exercyse thyselfe therin daye and nighte andces.

[ Titelseite Band 1 - geänderte Version   zum Textanfang ]


The Byble: that is/ the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faythfully translated into Englyshe.


S.Paul. II.Thessal.III. Praye for us, that the worde of God maye have fre passage, and be glorified.

S.Paul. Colloss.III. Let the worde of Christe dwell in you plenteoully in all wysdome. andc.

Josue.I. Let not the Boke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth, but exercyse thyselfe therin daye and nyghte, that thou mayest kepe and do every thynge accordynge to it that is wrytten therin.

[ Titelseite Band 6: Neues Testament   zum Textanfang ]

The new testament.

The gospell of S Mathew. The gospell of S. Marke. The gospell of S. Luke. The gospell of S. Jhon. The Actes of the Apostles

The epistles of S. Paul.

The epistle vnto the Romaynes. The first and seconde epistle to the Corinthians The epistle to the Galathians. The epistle to the Ephesians. The epistle to the Philippians. The epistle to the Colossians. The first and seconde epistle to the Thessalonians The first and seconde epistle vnto Thymothy. The epistle vnto Titus. The epistle vnto Philemon.

The first and seconde epistle of S. Peter. The thre epistles of S. Jhon. The epistle vnto the Hebrues. The epistle of S. James. The epistle of S. Jude. The Revelacion of S. Jhon.

[ Markus   Kapitel 1  2    zum Textanfang ]
[16r-a] The gospell of S. Marke.
[ Markus 1   Verse 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45    zum Buchanfang ]
The fyrst Chapter.
[1] THis is the begynnynge of the gospell of Jesus Christ the sonne of God,
[2] as it is wrytten in the prophetes. Beholde, I sende my messaunger before thy face, which shal prepare thy waye before the.
[3] The voyce of a cryer is in the wyldernes: Prepare the waye of the LORDE, make his pathes straight.
[4] Jhon was in the wyldernes, and baptysed, and preached the baptyme of amendment, for the remyssion of synnes.
[5] And there wente out unto him, the whole londe of Jewry, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptysed of him in Jordan, and knowleged their synnes.
[6] Jhon was clothed with Camels heer, and with a lethron gerdell aboute his loynes, and ate locustes and wylde hony,
[7] and preached, and sayde: There commeth one after me, which is stronger then I: before whom I am not worthy to stoupe downe, and to lowse the latchet of his shue.
[8] I baptyse you with water, but he shal baptyse you with the holy goost.
[9] And it happened at the same tyme, that Jesus came out of Galile from Nazareth, and was baptysed of Jhon in Jordan.
[10] And as soone as he was come out of the water, he sawe that the heavens opened, and the goost as a dove commynge downe upon him.
[11] And there came a voyce from heaven: Thou art my deare sonne, *in whom I delyte.
[12] And immediatly the sprete drove him into wyldernes:
[13] and he was in the wyldernes fourtye dayes, and was tempted of Sa[16r-b] than, and was with the wylde beestes. And the angels mynistred unto him.
[14] But after that Jhon was taken, Jesus came into Galile, and preached the gospell of the kyngdome of God,
[15] and sayde: the tyme is fulfylled, and the kyngdome of God is at hande: Amende youreselves, and beleve the gospell.
[16] So as he walked by the see of Galile, he sawe Symon and Andrew his brother, castinge their nettes in the see, for they were fyszhers.
[17] And Jesus sayde unto them: Folowe me, and I wil make you fyszhers of men.
[18] And immediatly they left their nettes, and folowed him.
[19] And when he was gone a lytle further from thence, he sawe James the sonne of Zebede, and Jhon his brother, as they were in the shyppe mendynge their nettes.
[20] And anone he called them. And they left their father Zebede in the shyppe with the hyred servauntes, and folowed him.
[21] And they wente into Capernaum, and immediatly upon the Sabbathes, he entred into the synagoge, and taught.
[22] And they were astonnyed at his doctryne: for he taught them as one havynge power, and not as the Scrybes.
[23] And in their synagoge there was a man possessed with a foule sprete, which cried
[24] and sayde: Oh what have we to do with the, thou Jesus of Nazareth. Art thou come to destroye us? I knowe that thou art even the holy one of God.
[25] And Jesus reproved him, and sayde: holde thy tonge, and departe out of him.
[26] And the foule sprete tare him, and cried with a loude voyce, and departed out of him.
[27] And they were all astonnyed, insomoch that they axed one another amonge themselves, and sayde: What is this? What new lernynge is this? For he commaundeth the foule spretes with power, and they are obedient unto him.
[28] And immediatly the fame of him was noysed rounde aboute in the coastes and borders of Galile.
[29] And forth with they wente out of the synagoge, and came into the house of Symon and Andrew, with James and Jhon.
[30] And Symons mother in lawe laye, and had the fevers, and anone they tolde him of her.
[31] And he came to her, and set her up, and toke her by the hande, and the fever left her immediatly. And she mynistred unto them.
[32] At even whan the Sonne was gone downe, they brought unto him all that were sick and possessed,
[33] and the whole cite was gathered together at the dore,
[34] and [16v-a] he healed many that were diseased with dyverse sicknesses, and cast out many devels, and suffred not the devels to speake, because they knew him.
[35] And in the mornynge before daye, he arose, and wente out. And Jesus departed into a deserte place, and prayed there.
[36] Peter also and they that were with him, folowed after him.
[37] And whan they had founde him, they sayde unto him: Every man seketh the.
[38] And he sayde unto them: Let us go into the next townes, that I maye preach there also, for therto am I come.
[39] And he preached in their synagoges, in all Galile, and drove out the devyls.
[40] And there came unto him a leper, which besought him, and kneled before him, and sayde unto him: Yf thou wilt, thou canst make me cleane.
[41] And it pitied Jesus, and he stretched forth his honde, and touched him, and sayde: I wyll, be thou cleane.
[42] And whan he had so spoken, immediatly the leprosy departed from him, and he was clensed.
[43] And Jesus forbad him strately, and forthwith sent him awaye,
[44] and sayde unto him: Take hede, that thou saye nothinge to eny man, but go thy waye, and shew thyself unto the prest, and offre for thy clensynge what Moses commaunded, for a wytnesse unto them.
[45] But he whan he was departed, beganne to speake moch of it, and made the dede knowne: insomoch that Jesus coude no more go into the cite openly, but was without in deserte places, and they came unto him from all quarters.
[ Markus 2   Verse 1  2  3  4    zum Buchanfang ]
The II. Chapter.
[1] ANd after certayne dayes he wente agayne unto Capernaum, and it was noysed that he was in the house.
[2] And immediatly there was gathered a greate multitude, insomoch that they had no rowme, no not without before the dore. And he spake the worde unto them.
[3] And there came unto him certaine, which brought one sicke of the palsye borne of foure.
[4] And when they coude not come nye him for the people, they uncovered the rofe of the house where he was. ... ... [16v-b] ... ... ... ... ... ...
[Juli 2006 – Wolf-Dieter Syring]   zum Textanfang