John-Rogers-Bibel  (Antwerpen 1537)  Mk 1

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[Titelseite]   zum Textanfang

The Byble/ which is all the holy Scrip= ture: In whych are contayned the Olde and Newe Testament truly and purely translated into En= glysh by Thomas Matthew.

Esaye .j. Hearcken to ye heavens and thou earth geave eare: For the Lorde speaketh.


Set forth with the Kinges most gracyous lycence.

[Titelseite NT]   zum Textanfang

The newe Testament of oure savyour Jesu Christ/ newly and dylygently translated into Englyshe with annotacions in the/ Mergent to helpe the Reader to the understan= dynge of the Texte.

Prynted in the yere of oure Lorde God. M.D·XXXVII.

[Kapitel 28]   zum Textanfang
The .xxviij. Chapter.
The resurreccyon ...

[1] THe Sabboth daye at even whych ...


Here endeth the Gospell of S. Mathew.
[14v-b] The Gospell of S. Marke.
[Kapitel 1]   zum Textanfang
The fyrst Chapter.
The offyce of Jhon the baptist. The baptyme of Christ/ his fastinge/ his preachinge/ and the callynge of Peter/ Andrew/ James and Jhon. Christ healeth the man wyth the uncleane sprete/ helpeth Peters mother in lawe and clenseth the leper.

[1] THe begynnynge of the Gospel of Jesu Christ the sonne of God/ [2] as it is written in the Prophetes/ *beholde I sende my messenger before thy face which shal prepare thy waye before the. [3] The voyce of a cryer in the wilder= nes: *prepare ye the waye of the Lorde/ ma= ke his pathes streyght. [4] John dyd baptyse in the wyldernes/ and preache the baptime of re= pentaunce/ for the remission of synnes. [5] And all that lande of Jurie and they of Jerusalem/ went out unto hym/ and were all baptised of him in the ryver Jordan/ confessinge their synnes

[6] John was clothed wyth cammilles herr/ and with a gerdyll of a skyn about hys loynes. And he did eate alocustes and wilde hony/ [7] and preached sayinge: a stronger then I commeth after me/ whose shoo latchet I am not worthy to stou= pe doune and unlose. [8] I have baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy gost

[9] And it came to passe in those dayes/ that Je= sus cam from Nazareth/ a citie of Galile: and was baptised of John in Jordan. [10] And assone as he was come out of the water: bJohn sawe heaven open/ and the holy goost descendinge upon him/ like a dove. [11] And ther came a voyce from heaven Thou arte my dere sonne in whom I delyte.

[12] And immediatly the sprete drave him into wildernes: [13] and he was there in the wyldernes .xl. dayes/ and was tempted of Satan/ and was with wilde beestes. And the angels ministred unto hym. [14] After John was taken/ Jesus came into Ga= [15r] [15r-a] lile/ preachinge the Gospell of the kyngdome of God/ [15] and saying: the tyme is come/ and the kingdome of God is at hande/ repent and beleve the Gospell.

[16] As he walked by the see of Galile/ he sawe Simon and Andrew his brother/ castinge net= tes into the see for they were fysshers. [17] And Jesus sayde unto them: folowe me/ and I wyll make you fysshers of men. [18] And strayght= waye/ they forsoke their nettes/ and folowed hym. [19] And when he had gone a lytell further thence/ he sawe James the sonne of Zebede/ and John hys brother/ even as they were in the shyppe mendinge their nettes. [20] And ano= ne he called them. And they leeft their father Zebede in the shyppe with his hyred servaun= tes/ and went their waye after him.

[21] And they entred into Capernaum: and streyght= waye on the Saboth dayes/ he entred into the synagoge and taught. [22] And they merveled at his learnynge. For he taught them as one that had power wyth him/ and not as the Scribes.

[23] And there was in their Synagoge a man vexed with an unclene spirite/ he cryed [24] sayinge: let be/ what have we to do with the thou Je= sus of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye us? I knowe the what thou arte/ even that holy of God. [25] And Jesus rebuked him sayinge holde thy peace and come out of him. [26] And the unclene spirite tare him/ and cried with a loude voyce/ and came out of hym. [27] And they were all amased/ insomoche that they demaunded one of another amonge themselves/ sayinge: what thing is this? c*What newe doctrine is thys? For he commaundeth the foule spirites with power/ and they obeye him. [28] And imme= diatly hys fame spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderinge on Galile.

[29] And forth with/ assone as they were come out of the Synagoge/ they entred into the house of Symon and Andrew/ with James and John. [30] And Symons mother in lawe lay sycke of a fever. And anone they tolde him of her. [31] And he came and toke her by the hande and lyfte her up: and the fever forsoke hyr by and by: and she mynystred unto them. [32] And at even when the sonne was doune/ they brought to hym all that were dyseased/ and them that were possessed with devyls. [33] And all the cytye gaddred togedder at the dore/ [34] and he healed many that were sycke of dyvers deseases. *And he cast out many devyls/ and suffred not the devyls to speake/ because they knewe him.

[35] And in the mornynge very erly/ Jesus arose and went out into a solitary place/ and there prayed. [36] And Symon and they that were with hym folowed after hym. [37] And when they had founde him/ they sayde unto him: al men seke for the. [38] And he sayd unto them: let us go into the next tounes/ that I maye preache there also: for truly I cam out for that purpose. [15r-b] [39] And he preached in their Sinagoges/ through= out all Galile/ and cast the devyls out.

[40] *And ther came a leper to him/ besechinge him/ and kneled doune unto hym/ and sayde to him: yf thou wilt/ thou cannest make me clene [41] And Jesus had compassion on him/ and put forth his hande/ touched him/ and sayde to him: I will/ be thou clene. [42] And assone as he had spoken/ immediatly the leprosy departed from him/ [...] [43] [...] and sent him awaye forthwith [44] and sayde unto him: Se thou saye nothynge to any man: but get the hence/ and shewe thyselfe to the Preste/ and offer for thy clensynge/ those thinges whych Moses commaunded/ for a testimoniall unto them. [45] But he (assone as he was departed) beganne to tell many thinges/ and to publyshe the dede: inso= moche that Jesus coulde no more openly entre into the citie/ but was without in desert pla= ces. And they came to him from every quarter.

[Kapitel 2]   zum Textanfang
The .ij. Chapter.
He healeth the man of the palsye/ calleth Levi the customer/ eateth with open synners/ and excuseth hys dyscyples.

[1] AFter a feawe dayes/ he entred into Capernaum agayne/ and it was noy= sed that he was in a house. [2] And anone many gadered togeder/ insomoche that now there was no roume to receave them: no not so moche as about the dore. And he prea= ched the worde unto them. [3] And there came unto him that brought one sicke of the palsie borne of fower men. [4] And because they coulde not come nye unto hym for prease/ they uncovered the rofe of the house where he was. ...


[Juli 2006 – Wolf-Dieter Syring]   zum Textanfang